Server Rules

1. Prohibition of Names
A) Names that contain insulting words (eg "Bastard"), racist and prejudiced words (eg "Black", "Nigga").
B) Names containing the words that refer to the administration (eg "ADM", "GOD", "CM", "GM", "TUTOR").

2. Public Chat
A) Forbidden SPAM: ''Several players send similar phrases in short period''.

B) Help chat is of restricted use for clarification of doubts. Should be used for any questioning, referring to the mechanics of the game, quests, items, addons, mounts, doubts about accounts, updates and etc. It is clear that the channel should be used for questions. Any player who uses the help for other purposes, such as complaint, discussion, jokes, spam, sale, advertisement, etc., and is seen by some tutor or staff member, in addition to receiving a mute will be able to ban the account used. We have the tickets and the forum for you to express your opinion, indignation or praise, do not use the Help for this.
C) Forbidden to advertise on any channel names of other servers, the char will be mutated for 500 minutes on all channels, including being unable to use spells. If there is an insistence on noncompliance with the rule, you may have the account banned.

3. Blocking locations
A) It is forbidden to block any type of place that involves MC (more than 1 player with the same IP).
B) It is forbidden to block any spawn in Rookgaard if its character is level less than 8.

4. Casinos
A) Casinos are prohibited in Thais, however it is allowed in any other city. Your character will be sent to the temple and will lose the dice in the depot if you are with a casino active in Thais.

5. Events
A) Prohibited the use of MC within events organized by the server.

A) HACK LINK will be considered any site disclosed in the game, except the official website ( and tibia fansites.

7. Sale of virtual content
A) It is illegal to sell any virtual content from the server, such as characters, gold, items, houses, etc, using real money (R $, $) as the currency of exchange. The player who is caught commenting on this infraction will be mutated in all channels, including default and will not be able to speak, send pvt or use any magic for 500 minutes.
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